Friday, July 16, 2010

happy to see friday

welcome back potential readers,

have you ever liked someone? liked them a lot, so much it was hard to think about much else? well i find myself there... again. sorry if this puts a bad image of me out there to you but i am of the mind that the heart has as much room for lust and love as it has for pain and anger, and either lust or love here i am again.

i have kind of a horrible attraction to people with less then perfect past's and the present is no different in that aspect but the new feeling is the limit of intercourse i have thought about in regards to this person. now i have and others have helped me say this to this person in fewer words to the extent of "JustAnotherFUp likes you. FYI." but i have trouble putting my thoughts into words with this person. there is just something about them that can't be faked, lost, found, or explained and when you see it in someone it draws you to them like a klondike bar... and you would do anything for them.

but i have the problem that follows after. little to no interest returned. worst then that is the dreaded "friend only!" ladies... please if you are going to say this to a guy... just cut his stuff off instead. i can imagine it's less painful. anyway back to the original point. i have been so taken by this person that i found it hard to focused today at work. i nearly hurt myself several times and was yelled at a lot today. yet regardless there they are in my head flashing smiles and waves to me, and me wanting to be there with them basking in their wonderfulness.

before i get to today's moral potential readers; i posse a question. what would you do if you were me in this situation? i suppose the one reader i know i have can call me with their thoughts. (HI) but if anyone else is out there reading my daily babble of random insanity; make your thoughts know to me.


the moral of the day:
when working, if it is possible to do so, keep work and play/life separate... it just ends bad. sometimes it's a cut hand and sometimes it's a broken heart but 9 times out of 9 it doesn't go well.

have a great weekend and i'll post tomorrow,

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