Saturday, July 31, 2010

a friend in need is a pest.

hey potential readers,

the second feature of today is about helping others. we go through life getting help as i said before but how much do we give out? why do we help others? what do we get from it? how about another challenge readers? i challenge you to a dual, a dual of ARK's. (Acts of Random Kindness) this week try and do as many as you can but at least one a day. do something; anything for someone else; anyone, without thought of gain in it for yourself. as small as opening a door or as big as giving money away to some stranger or your friend or family.

your mission if you choose to accept it... 7+ ARK's. if you want post the experience as a comment. i'd love to hear them.

today's moral: the world is filled with good people, don't you want to be one of them? if so think of others and they will think of you.


day late and a dollar short

hi potential readers,

this will be a double feature of sorts... long day yesterday turned into a long morning.

as for yesterday, we all have heavy loads to carry from time to time and we carry heavy loads for various reasons but how do we know when to ask for help? sometimes it takes a slap in the face to know what we thought we already knew. as creatures of habit we tend to our nature to avoid change and one thing i discovered last night i need to change is to allow myself to drop my guard more and share my load with people.

yesterday's moral: no one makes it trough life with out help from someone somewhere. get over it and accept it.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

keep going

hello potential readers,

not a bad day today at all. there was something really great today that happened.

i love sword fighting and today i got to do a good amount of it. but i started to think about and fighting is a lot like life. sometimes you get hit, cut, bruised, and bloody. others you are the one on top. you can fight with honor or fight dirty. some fight better then others but we all fight and eventually we all loose. no matter what it's a ever shortening fight.

today's moral: keep fighting, in the end it must be worth it. certainly no one has come back to complain.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


hi potential readers,


ok i feel a little better. rough day today with both highs and lows. trying to keep this streak of happy going even if it kills me in the process. why is it so hard for people to grow up sometimes? half of my day was spent with children, the other half with adults who act like children. why can people take responsibility for their actions? is that so much to ask for? from gossip to just making choices that effect others without thought of the others opinion, i just don't like it. these people are not bad people but they sometimes lack the foresight to see past their own words.

now you maybe thinking this is a little hypocritical of me. and i guess it is. but we are all guilty of wanting to be the good guy and rarely if ever cast ourselves the villain. my problem isn't with the action, it is with the constancy of the action and the lack of ownership of a wrong choice. but more then that the indignant attitude presented by those who make choices for others without thought of them.

regardless the noble intention, it bares consequences. the road to hell is line with good intent.

today's moral: simple; if you screw up, fess up.

have a good night,


yesterday's late forcast

sorry potential readers,

had a busy day yesterday. to go on my moral from two days ago... clouds moved in quick yesterday however exited just as quickly and for the first time in i don't know how long i didn't dwell on the pain and anger. i ended up spend the evening with great people who i love, adore, and respect and seem to have similar feelings for me. and you know what potential readers? as bad as parts of the day got it was nothing compared to it's opposite that was reached within 5 minutes of good company with the people who are there for me when i'm not even there for me.

talk to you later but first...

yesterday's moral: some days work and some days don't and you never know which one you had till it's completely over.


Monday, July 26, 2010

can't say today was bad... at all really.

hi potential readers,

today was a day that just worked for me. and i am totally fine with that. i started a new job i love! i got that job i was talking about a few days ago, the one i was prepping for... that is going good. today was a day i just felt on top of the world. but i take pause and look at the days i have written previous to this and it's nice to have in writing a great day like today to remind me when the bad returns. i do not look forward to our reuniting and hold the negative as no friend of mine but a returning guest none the less.

i hope to ride this happiness as long as it lets me, and i hope good comes your way and hold you in it's embrace as long as it can.

today's moral: although there are fewer good moments in the world and therefore in a life, cherish them! they are the stars in an otherwise black night to easily forgotten on a cloudy night.

best wishes fly fast to you,


Sunday, July 25, 2010

some are left unsaid.

hi potential readers,

i have a joke for you today.

a man goes to prison because he was in the mob. he had never been before and on his walk to his cell the other prisoners kept shouting out numbers followed by laughing. as he enters his cell and settles in another number gets shouted. his cell mate laughs. "hey you're new so i should explain." he said, "many of us have worked in crime most of our life and heard a lot of the same jokes so we just gave them numbers and since we all know how the joke goes we get it and why it's funny." after about a month the guy starts to get the hang of it. finally he decides to try it out. and at lunch he finds his chance. "24!" the man says. silence... his cell mate looks at him sternly. the man thinks he'll try again. "58!" he screams a little louder. no laughs... people are starting to stare at him. his cell mate says "what are you doing?"
finally the guy thinks of his favorite joke and stands up on the table screaming at the top of his lungs, "91!" every one is staring daggers at him in total silence. he slowly sits down and his cell mate says what the hell do you think you were doing?"
the guy says "91 is the funniest joke i have ever heard in my life, what did i do wrong?"

his cell mate looks at him and says "hey some people can tell a joke and some people can't."

today's moral: sometimes it's better to sit quiet and listen. better to have people think you are an idiot then to open your mouth and remove any doubt.
