Wednesday, July 28, 2010


hi potential readers,


ok i feel a little better. rough day today with both highs and lows. trying to keep this streak of happy going even if it kills me in the process. why is it so hard for people to grow up sometimes? half of my day was spent with children, the other half with adults who act like children. why can people take responsibility for their actions? is that so much to ask for? from gossip to just making choices that effect others without thought of the others opinion, i just don't like it. these people are not bad people but they sometimes lack the foresight to see past their own words.

now you maybe thinking this is a little hypocritical of me. and i guess it is. but we are all guilty of wanting to be the good guy and rarely if ever cast ourselves the villain. my problem isn't with the action, it is with the constancy of the action and the lack of ownership of a wrong choice. but more then that the indignant attitude presented by those who make choices for others without thought of them.

regardless the noble intention, it bares consequences. the road to hell is line with good intent.

today's moral: simple; if you screw up, fess up.

have a good night,


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